Jolie can be used with various relational/SQL databases, using the Database service from the standard library. The Database service uses JDBC, so you need the correct driver JAR placed in the lib
subdirectory (the one of the program or the global one, e.g., /usr/lib/jolie/lib/
in Linux).
Attention: if your JAR driver is called differently, you will have to rename it or create an apposite link, otherwise Jolie is not able to load it. The list of correct names for JAR drivers is given below.
Database | Driver name (driver ) | JAR filename |
PostgreSQL | postgresql | jdbc-postgresql.jar |
MySQL | mysql | jdbc-mysql.jar |
Apache Derby | derby_embedded or derby | derby.jar or derbyclient.jar |
SQLite | sqlite | jdbc-sqlite.jar |
SQLServer | sqlserver | sqljdbc4.jar |
HSQLDB | hsqldb_embedded , hsqldb_hsql , hsqldb_hsqls , hsqldb_http or hsqldb_https | hsqldb.jar |
IBM DB 2 | db2 | db2jcc.jar |
IBM AS 400 | as400 | jt400.jar |
The Database service officially supports only the listed DB systems, which were tested and are known to work. If your DB system has not been covered, please contact us ( and we will help you to get it added.
Using multiple databases
By default, the Database service included by database.iol
works for connecting to a single database. If you need to use multiple databases from the same Jolie service, you can run additional instance by creating another output port and embedding the Database Java service again, as in the following:
outputPort Database2 {
Interfaces: DatabaseInterface
embedded {
"joliex.db.DatabaseService" in Database2
First example: WeatherService
This is a modification of the WeatherService client mentioned in section Web Services/web_services. It fetches meteorological data of a particular location (constants City
and Country
) and stores it in HSQLDB. If the DB has not been set up yet, the code takes care of the initialisation. The idea is to run the program in batch (eg. by a cronjob) to collect data, which could be interesting in Internet of Things (IoT) scenarios.
include "weatherService.iol"
include "string_utils.iol"
include "xml_utils.iol"
include "database.iol"
include "console.iol"
* weatherServiceCallerSql.ol - stores weather data in a HSQLDB DB
constants { City = "Bolzano", Country = "Italy" }
// fetch weather
with( request ) {
.CityName = City;
.CountryName = Country
GetWeather@GlobalWeatherSoap( request )( response );
r = response.GetWeatherResult;
// connect to DB
with ( connectionInfo ) {
.username = "sa";
.password = "";
.host = "";
.database = "file:weatherdb/weatherdb"; // "." for memory-only
.driver = "hsqldb_embedded"
connect@Database( connectionInfo )( void );
// create table if it does not exist
scope ( createTable ) {
install ( SQLException => println@Console("Weather table already there")() );
updateRequest =
"CREATE TABLE weather(city VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, " +
"country VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, data VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL, " +
"PRIMARY KEY(city, country))";
update@Database( updateRequest )( ret )
// insert/update current record
scope ( update ) {
install ( SQLException =>
updateRequest =
"UPDATE weather SET data = :data WHERE city = :city " +
"AND country = :country"; = City; = Country; = r;
update@Database( updateRequest )( ret )
updateRequest =
"INSERT INTO weather(city, country, data) " +
"VALUES (:city, :country, :data)"; = City; = Country; = r;
update@Database( updateRequest )( ret )
// print inserted content
queryRequest =
"SELECT city, country, data FROM weather " +
"WHERE city=:city AND country=:country"; = City; = Country;
query@Database( queryRequest )( queryResponse );
// HSQLDB needs the attributes to be upcased when requesting content
println@Console("City: " + queryResponse.row[0].CITY)();
println@Console("Country: " + queryResponse.row[0].COUNTRY)();
println@Console("Data: " + queryResponse.row[0].DATA)();
// shutdown DB
update@Database( "SHUTDOWN" )( ret )
Second example: TodoList
The next example provides a very easy CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) web service for a TODO list. The example is shown with HSQLDB but theoretically each DB could have been used. The HTTP's server output format is set to JSON, the input can be approached by both GET or POST requests.
include "console.iol"
include "database.iol"
include "string_utils.iol"
execution { concurrent }
interface Todo {
inputPort Server {
Location: "socket://localhost:8000/"
Protocol: http { .format = "json" }
Interfaces: Todo
with (connectionInfo) {
.username = "sa";
.password = "";
.host = "";
.database = "file:tododb/tododb"; // "." for memory-only
.driver = "hsqldb_embedded"
// create table if it does not exist
scope (createTable) {
install (SQLException => println@Console("TodoItem table already there")());
// some HSQLDB versions require "generated always" to be replaced by "generated by default"
"create table TodoItem(id integer generated always as identity, " +
"text varchar(255) not null, primary key(id))"
[ retrieveAll()(response) {
"select * from TodoItem"
response.values -> sqlResponse.row
} ]
[ create(request)(response) {
"insert into TodoItem(text) values (:text)" {
.text = request.text
} ]
[ retrieve(request)(response) {
"select * from TodoItem where id=:id" {
.id =
if (#sqlResponse.row == 1) {
response -> sqlResponse.row[0]
} ]
[ update(request)(response) {
"update TodoItem set text=:text where id=:id" {
.text = request.text,
.id =
} ]
[ delete(request)(response) {
"delete from TodoItem where id=:id" {
.id =
} ]
Client requests using curl:
- Create new record:
curl -v "http://localhost:8000/create?text=Shopping"
- Retrieve all records:
curl -v "http://localhost:8000/retrieveAll"
- Retrieve record - GET in x-www-form-urlencoded (web browser form):
curl -v "http://localhost:8000/retrieve?id=0"
- Retrieve record - GET request in JSON:
curl -v "http://localhost:8000/retrieve?=\{\"id\":0\}"
- Retrieve record - POST request in x-www-form-urlencoded (web browser form):
curl -v -d "id=0" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" "http://localhost:8000/retrieve"
- Retrieve record - POST request in JSON:
curl -v -d "{\"id\":0}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "http://localhost:8000/retrieve"