Security with SSL

SSL wrapping protocol

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is not a communication protocol on its own and it is used as a wrapping for SSL-based secure protocols, like SODEPS and HTTPS.


To make use of SSL, a valid private-key certificate deposited in a Java keystore is required. On the server side the two protocol parameters .ssl.keyStore pointing to the keystore file and .ssl.keyStorePassword in presence of a password need to be set.

Clients accessing SSL servers with unsafe (including self-signed) certificates usually deny operation. A truststore, likewise a Java keystore, contains trust entries also for potentially unsafe certificates. In Jolie it is specified over the protocol parameters .ssl.trustStore (path) and eventually .ssl.trustStorePassword.

Java's keytool helps to introspect key- and truststore: keytool -list -keystore <keystore/truststore>.jks -storepass <password>. In a keystore, a certificate with PrivateKeyEntry should be contained, in a truststore the same (fingerprint) with a trustedCertEntry.

SSL Parameters

type SSLConfiguration:void {

        * Defines the protocol used in encryption.
        * Default: "TLSv1"
        * Supported values: all Java encryption protocols:
        * SSL, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLS, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2

        * Defines the format used for storing
        * keys
        * Default: "JKS"
        * Supported values: all java keystore formats:
        * JKS, JCEKS, PKCS12

        * Defines the path of the file where keys are stored
        * Default: null

        * Defines the password of the keystore
        * Default: null

        * Defines the format used in the trustStore
        * Default: JKS

        * Defines the path of the trustStore file
        * Default: null

        * Defines the password of the trustStore
        * Default: none