
An embedded service in Jolie can communicate with its embedder exploiting the local medium. local communications uses the shared memory between embedded and embedder services in order to handle message delivery in an lightweight and efficient way.

The local medium needs no protocol when used into a port definition and it could be followed by an internal local label which univocally identifies the service within the embedded group.

The local medium can be defined in mainly two ways: statically or dynamically.

In the first case, the user can define a static location identified by a name, like "local://Calculator", "local://MyService". This is similar to e.g., traditional sockets, where a static address (e.g., localhost) is used to identify the location of the service.

In the second case, the user does not define a static location but only the usage of the local medium. At runtime, the Jolie interpreter assigns to inputPorts using that medium a unique name. To bind outputPorts, the user can use the operation as it follows, where MyOutputPort is the name of the outputPort to be bound getLocalLocation@Runtime()( MyOutputPort.location ).

An example using this medium can be found in part "Handling structured messages and embedder's operations invocation" of Embedding Java Services subsection.

The local medium can be used for service internal self communications, as shown in the example below:

include "runtime.iol"
include "string_utils.iol"

type HanoiRequest: void{
    .src: string
    .aux: string
    .dst: string
    .n: int
    .sid?: string

type HanoiReponse: void {
    .move?: string

interface LocalOperations{
        hanoiSolver( HanoiRequest )( HanoiReponse )

interface ExternalOperations{
        hanoi( HanoiRequest )( string )

outputPort Self{
    Interfaces: LocalOperations

inputPort Self {
    Location: "local"
    Interfaces: LocalOperations

inputPort PowerService {
    Location: "socket://localhost:8000"
    Protocol: http{
        .format = "html"
    Interfaces: ExternalOperations

execution { concurrent }

    getLocalLocation@Runtime()( Self.location )

    [ hanoi( request )( response ){
        hanoiSolver@Self( request )( subRes );
        response = subRes.move
    }]{ nullProcess }

    [ hanoiSolver( request )( response ){
        if ( request.n > 0 ){
            subReq.n = request.n;
            with( request ){
                subReq.aux = .dst;
                subReq.dst = .aux;
                subReq.src = .src;
                subReq.sid = .sid
            hanoiSolver@Self( subReq )( response );
            response.move +=     "
" +
                                ++global.counters.(request.sid) +
                                ") Move from " + request.src +
                                " to " + request.dst + ";";
            with ( request ){
                subReq.src = .aux;
                subReq.aux = .src;
                subReq.dst = .dst
            hanoiSolver@Self( subReq )( subRes );
            response.move += subRes.move
    }]{ nullProcess }

The operation hanoi receives an external http request (e.g., a GET http://localhost:8000/hanoi?src=source&aux=auxiliary&dst=destination&n=5) and fires the local operation hanoiSolver which uses the local location for recursively call itself and build the solution.