Java Client

The creation of a Java Client allows for an easy integration with an existing Jolie service from a Java application by simply using the sodep protocol. In this case you don't need to introduce a rest interface over a http protocol, or a SOAP communication layer, you can just exploit the easiest way offered by Jolie for building a service: the protocol SODEP.

In the following picture we briefly represent how the final architecture of the Jolie Client appears.

The Java client for a Jolie service can be automatically built starting from a Jolie outputPort declaration. In particular, the client takes the form of a package of classes where all the Jolie types declared in the interfaces used at the input port, are converted into classes in Java. Moreover, all the Jolie interfaces available at the given port are converted into one Java interface. An implementation of the Java interface is provided in order to easily call the Jolie service by exploiting the Jolie Java client.

There are two possible ways for generating the Java client starting from an outputPort:

  • Using the tool jolie2java from command line
  • Using the jolie2java-maven-plugin


The tool jolie2java is distributed together with the jolie engine. If you have already installed jolie you can run it in a simple way just typing the following command on a console:

jolie2java --help

You will see the following message on the console:

Usage: jolie2java --format [java|gwt] --packageName package_namespace [--targetPort outputPort_to_be_encoded] [ --outputDirectory outputDirectory ] [--buildXml true|false] [--addSource true|false] file.ol

where all the possible arguments to the tool are specified. They are:

  • --format: it can be java or gwt depending on the target technology. The default is java. Note that the generation of the gwt classes is deprecated
  • --packageName: it is the name of the package which will contain all the generated classes. It is a mandatory argument.
  • --targetPort: it is the name of the outputPort to be converted. It could be useful where the jolie file contains more than one outputPort and we just need to convert one of them. If it is not specified all the output ports will be converted.
  • --outputDirectory: it is the name of the output directory where the generated files will be stored. The default value is ./generated
  • --buildXml: it specifies if the tool must generate also the file build.xml which can be used by ant for building the generated classes and provide a unique library file in the form of a jar file. The default is true.
  • --addSource: when the generation of the file build.xml is enabled it specifies if adding also the sources (files .java) to the jar. The default is false. In case the argument buildXml is set to false it is ignored.

Let us now try to apply the tool jolie2java to the simple example at this link. Here there is a Jolie service which implements two operations getTemperature and getWind. The interface which describes them follows:

type GetTemperatureRequest: string {
    .place?: void {
        .longitude: string
        .latittude: string

type GetWindRequest: void {
    .city: string

interface ForecastInterface {
    getTemperature( GetTemperatureRequest )( double ),
    getWind( GetWindRequest )( double )

The client declaration we want to convert in a Java Client is defined within the file client.ol which is reported below:

include "ForecastInterface.iol"

outputPort Forecast {
Interfaces: ForecastInterface

main {

It is worth noting that the minimal definition we require in order to generate a Java Client is the declaration of an outputPort and its related interfaces. The main scope is defined but it is empty (nullProcess) just because we need to respect the minimal requirements for a service definition, otherwise a syntax error would be triggered by the tool.

Download in a folder both the main.ol and the ForecastInterface.iol file and run the following command from the same folder.

jolie2java --packageName com.test.jolie client.ol

As a result you will find a folder called generated whose content is:

-- build.xml
-- com

The file build.xml can be used under ant for building a distributable jar file. See the subsection below for more details. The structure of the directories com/test/jolie corresponds to the package name given as argument to jolie2java.

Files and actually implement the client for sending requests to a Jolie service. The file is the Java interface which corresponds to the Jolie ones available at the converted outputPort. The file is the actual implementation of the and it exploits the JolieClient class for directly invoking the operations of the Jolie service. The folder types contains all the classes which represent the types declared in the Jolie interface. In this example there are only two types: GetTemperatureRequest and GetTemperatureRequest.

Some important notes to the type conversion

Native types are converted into Java classes as it is described below:

  • int -> Integer
  • string -> String
  • double -> Double
  • long -> Long
  • bool -> Boolean
  • raw -> ByteArray (it is an class available from the jolie.jar library)
  • undefined -> Value (it is an class available from the jolie.jar library)
  • any -> Object

Structured types are converted by introducing inner classes inside the main one. For example, the type GetTemperatureRequest contains a subnode place which is mapped with an internal class called placeType as it is shown below where we report the first lines of the

public class GetTemperatureRequest implements Jolie2JavaInterface {
    public class placeType {
        private String latittude;
        private String longitude;

        public placeType( Value v ) throws TypeCheckingException {

Root values. When a Jolie type requires a root value like in type GetTemperatureRequest where a string is requested as root type, in Java it is converted introducing a private filed called rootValue which can be accessed by using methods getRootValue and setRootValue.

Create a distributable jar with ant

In order to use the generated classes in a Java project it is possible to copy them by hand and then compile them. Note that you need to import also the directories which define the package name given as argument com/test/jolie. It is worth noting that you need to add the following libraries to your project in order to satisfy the dependencies:

  • jolie.jar:
  • libjolie.jar
  • sodep.jar
  • jolie-java.jar

It is possible to retrieve all of them in the installation folder of Jolie. In particular, jolie.jar is in the installation folder, libjolie.jar and jolie-java.jar are in the folder lib and, finally, sodep.jar is in the folder extensions.

Alternatively, if you are confident with ant you can directly compile a distributable jar by exploiting the generated file build.xml. In this case it is sufficient to run the following command on the console from the same folder where the file build.xml is:

ant dist

The command generates three folders:

  • built: it contains the compiled Java classes
  • dist: it contains the distributable jar of the Jolie Java client
  • lib: it contains all the jar dependencies of the Jolie Java client

Using the Jolie Java client in a project

Let us now to show how to use the generated client into a Java project. First of all, include the following jar files in the classpath of your project:

  • jolie.jar:
  • libjolie.jar
  • sodep.jar
  • jolie-java.jar
  • JolieClient.jar: it is the distributable jar of the client obtained compiling the sources with ant as described in the previous section.

In the following we show the code necessary to invoke the Jolie service of the example presented above. Here we assume that such a service is running on localhost at port 8000.

import com.test.jolie.ForecastImpl;
import com.test.jolie.JolieClient;
import com.test.jolie.types.GetTemperatureRequest;

public class JavaApplication
    public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException, InterruptedException, Exception
        JolieClient.init( "localhost", 8000 );
        ForecastImpl forecast = new ForecastImpl();
        GetTemperatureRequest request = new GetTemperatureRequest();
        request.setRootValue( "Cesena" );
        System.out.println( forecast.getTemperature( request ));
  • before using the client, it is necessary to initialize the location and the port of the service to invoke. The first row of the main does this:

JolieClient.init( "localhost", 8000 );

  • then it is necessary to instantiate the object which implements the Java interface of the service:

ForecastImpl forecast = new ForecastImpl();

  • now it is possible to prepare the request message:

GetTemperatureRequest request = new GetTemperatureRequest(); request.setRootValue( "Cesena" );

  • finally, it is possible to perform the invocation:

forecast.getTemperature( request )

Using the jolie2java-maven-plugin

For those who are using maven for managing their Java projects, it is possible to use jolie2java within a specific maven plugin: jolie2java-maven-plugin. Just add the following lines to the pom of your project and the jolie2java tool can be used within the maven Lifecycle:


<!-- maven plugin -->

where the configuration parameters are:

  • joliePath: the path where the jolie files which describe the client can be found by maven
  • outputDirectory: the outputDirectory where the generated classes must be copied
  • packageName: the name of the package to be used in the generated classes
  • includePath: the path where the jolie standard library include files are stored. Default /usr/lib/jolie/include.

Note that the jolie2java-maven-plugin will be run during the generated-sources phase of maven, thus before the compilation one. So, take care to specify an outputDirectory inside your project which can be accessed by maven during the compilation.